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Cendix Supports Youth Sports and Education

At Cendix we take immense pride in the richness and diversity of our community.  We also understand that our community does not “just happen”; it takes the concerted effort of many individuals and organizations like Cendix to keep it rich and vibrant.  To that end, we want to do more than give back to the community, we want to improve it.  We believe strongly enough in this idea that we have built it into our corporate values.

With that said, we also know that talk is cheap.  Many voices promote these values; some even make an honest effort to get there.  However, the only metric that really matters is our ability to deliver on the promise.  On this page you will find a sample of some of the community activities that Cendix is involved with.

Got other ideas about new and interesting ways that we can add value?  Bring ‘em on!  We always have time to discuss our community…

Youth Sports | Education | Organizations

Youth Sports

Youth athletics promotes fitness, encourages teamwork, and sets the stage for a lifetime of achievement and healthy activity.  Cendix is proud to be a sponsor of youth athletics through both cash donations and volunteer activities.

However, this sentiment is not new or unique to Cendix.  In the “old days” every local gas station or grocery store had a wall full of bright young faces representing the teams that had helped or sponsored.  Well, this is it, this is our virtual store wall…

2010 - Baseball - Cendix

2009 - Baseball - Cendix

2008 - Football - 10-0 League Champions
2008 - Football - Lakers Varsity White
2008 - Baseball - Cendix
2008 - Baseball - 11-12 Honors
2008 - Baseball - Superior

2007 - Football - Lakers
2007 - Baseball - Cendix
2007 - Baseball - BlackSox
2007 - Basketball - Chili Peppers

2006 - Football - Lakers
2006 - Baseball - Black Aces
2006 - Baseball -
2006 - Basketball - Rebounders

2005 - Football - Lakers
2005 - Baseball -
2005 - Baseball - Gremlins
2005 - Basketball - Nuggets

2004 - Football - Lakers
2004 - Baseball - Mariners
2004 - Baseball - Launchpoint

2003 - Baseball - Tornados

2002 - Baseball - Firebats


Quality education forms the foundation for growth in any knowledge-based industry such as technology.  But, it is not the technology industry alone, as the tools and methods have grown more advanced across most industries; the need for additional education continues to grow.  As business and technology professionals we embrace the opportunity to share our real-world experiences and key learning’s with the leaders of tomorrow.

Concordia University - MBA 505
eBusiness - Spring 2009
AOL Time Warner questions
Blockbuster questions
Google questions
Lucy Activewear (
Lucy Assignment
Mozilla Questions
Skype Questions Assignment

Concordia University - BA 458
Business Policy & Strategy - Spring 2009
Strategy Introduction
Powerpoint: Chapters 1-6
HP/Compaq Case Study
HP/Compaq Questions
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Sun Microsystems
Home Depot

Concordia University - BA 366
Global Marketing - Fall 2008
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Direct Sales
CRM Notes

Concordia University - BA 471/571
Starting New Ventures - Fall 2007

Portland State University - BA 495
Business Strategy & Policy - Spring 2009  (PDF)
Sample Case Brief 1
Sample Case Brief 2
Sample Case Brief 3

Strategy Introduction
Powerpoint: Chapters 1-6

Pharmaceutical Questions
Southwest Airlines Questions
3M Questions
Disney Questions
HP/Compaq Questions
EuroDisney Questions

Portland State University - Management 562
Applied Business Strategy - Spring 2005

Portland State University - Management 510
Financing Emerging Growth Companies - Summer 2005
Class Presentation - 7/8/05
Class panels and speakers

Lucy Activewear (

SawStop article (story from Glenn Smith)

University of Phoenix - Training Sessions
Applied Business Strategy - Spring 2006

Useful Venture Finance Articles
Annotated Term Sheet
Annotated Stock Purchase Agreement
Funding Process & Documentation
Due Diligence Checklist

Find the Right VC
Venture vs. Angel Funding
Angel article from INC Magazine
Basics of Financing the High Tech Startup


Stronger industries are built through cooperation and collaboration.  To that end, Cendix is an enthusiastic supporter of several industry/professional organizations.

Software Association of Oregon LogoSoftware Association of Oregon
Formed in 1989, the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) fosters an environment that fuels the growth of Oregon's software industry.  Members of the SAO enjoy exceptional networking and educational opportunities, critical workforce development programs, and valuable member services.

Wilson Zehr has been active with the SAO since the organization was first formed.  He has served as an executive Board member of the SAO and as chairman for the annual fund-raising auction.  Wilson remains active with Sales & Marketing special interest activities and the SAO educational foundation.


American Electronics Association LogoAEA
AeA (formerly the American Electronics Association), founded in 1943, is a nationwide non-profit trade association that represents all segments of the technology industry and is dedicated solely to helping members’ top line and bottom line.  AeA does this in partnership with their small, medium, and large member companies by lobbying governments at the state, federal, and international levels; providing access to capital and business opportunities; and offering select business services and networking programs.

Wilson Zehr has served on the national Small Business Advisory Committee for the AeA.  He also helped bring discount direct response advertising tools to the membership as an affiliate partner and has helped promote AeA’s annual Operating Ratios survey.  Wilson remains active with AeA networking and education events.


Program Management Forum LogoProgram Management Forum (PMF)
The PMF is a learning and support community for Program Managers and those interested in program management.  The mission of the organization is to advance and promote the technical Program Management profession.  More specifically, the PMF provides a series of interactive educational events around the topic of program management; with participants from the professional, business, and educational communities; offering expertise, interaction, and idea exchange about powerful concepts, tools, mechanisms, and best practices.
Wilson Zehr serves on the executive Board of the PMF; attends educational events hosted by the PMF; and actively networks with members of the Program Management community.


Lab2Market LogoLab2Market
The Lab2Market initiative is a collaborative partnership funded by the National Science Foundation.  The goal of this organization is to deepen the commitment to commercializing novel technologies by forging networks between private-sector business expertise and world-class research at Oregon’s four primary research universities:  Portland State University (PSU), Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Oregon State University (OSU), and the University of Oregon (UO).

Wilson Zehr serves as a Venture Mentor working with entrepreneurial teams to refine their technologies and business concepts.

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