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Education Projects Portland Oregon

Consulting Services

Education Projects - Representative Projects
  • Cendix developed the Strategic Marketing Model based on extensive experience and research. This model has been used extensively in real-world customer engagement to address both strategic and tactical marketing issues. Cendix captured the key tenants of the Strategic Marketing Model and delivered them in the form of a Webinar.  The entire presentation can be found at: Strategic Marketing Model.
  • Cendix developed the Multi-Layer Partnership Model for strategic alliances based on over 20 years of experience working with large-scale enterprises and strategic alliances in the technology and communication markets. The model was first presented publicly to the University of Phoenix in May 2006.  The complete presentation is available at: Multi-Layer Partnership Model.
  • Cendix created and delivered a graduate level class on Financing Emerging Growth Companies for Portland State University (Summer 2005).  This course explored the lifecycle of a business enterprise, the challenges presented at each stage, and the financing alternatives available.  The course was based on both real-world experience and industry reserach on fund-raising for businesses at all stages of growth. The class made use of case studies, real world examples, and live panel sessions with local business leaders.  Course details are available at: Financing Emerging Growth.
  • Cendix also delivered a graduate level lecture on applied business strategy for Portland State University (Spring 2005).  Details can be found at: Applied Business Strategy.
  • Cendix CEO and serial entrepreneur, Wilson Zehr, currently mentors early stage businesses in the Lab2Market initiative co-sponsored by Portland State University (PSU), University of Oregon (UO), Oregon State University (OSU), Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), and the National Science Foundation.  More details on this program are available at: Lab2Market. Wilson serves as a mentor for:
    • Perpetua Power Source Technologies: Perpetua recently secured financing and is now moving to setup production facilities for its innovation new battery technology.
    • Floragenex: Floragenex is a seed stage enterprise still seeking operating capital.